# This file is a part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL.
# The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages.
# See README in the highlight directory for details.
# New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;)
# ----------
# andre.simon1@gmx.de
# http:/www.andre-simon.de/
$KW_LIST(kwa)= true fail at_end_of_stream nl repeat halt is rem mod
$KW_LIST(kwb)=call catch throw unify_with_occurs_check var atom integer float atomic compound nonvar number functor arg copy_term clause current_predicate asserta assertz retract
abolish findall bagof setof current_input current_output set_input set_output open close stream_property at_end_of_stream set_stream_position get_char get_code peek_char
peek_code put_char put_code nl get_byte peek_byte put_byte read_term read write_term write writeq write_canonical op current_op char_conversion current_char_conversion once
atom_length atom_concat sub_atom atom_chars atom_codes char_code number_chars number_codes set_prolog_flag current_prolog_flag halt sin cos atan exp log sqrt